
day 5: getting started with collaborating on python code

  • overview day 5
time section concepts outcomes
09-10 5.1.1 project ideas about how to organize a python project
5.1.2 python syntax practice data structures, conditional statements, flow control
5.1.3 documentation how to comment and document python code for later use
10-11 5.2.1 collaborate using python in the cloud
5.2.2 google upload data, notebooks to google colab, install packages using pip
5.2.3 ms azure basically same thing as google, also look into kaggle, amazon
11-12 5.3.1 publish open science framework, github, gitlab, bitbucket
5.3.2 browser presenting notebooks in nbviewer.jupyter.org
5.3.3 repos how to use version control on python projects
12-13 lunch

section 5.1.1

  • check, update anaconda, install new packages to venv
# update anaconda, env packages
conda update anaconda
conda update --all
# start jupyter notebook
jupyter notebook

section 5.1.2

  • some line

resume code

section 5.1.3

  • some line
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

#%matplotlib inline
#%reload_ext autoreload
#%autoreload 2
In [2]:
#dfc = pd.read_csv('some.csv')
df = sns.load_dataset('car_crashes')
['anagrams', 'anscombe', 'attention', 'brain_networks', 'car_crashes', 'diamonds', 'dots', 'exercise', 'flights', 'fmri', 'gammas', 'geyser', 'iris', 'mpg', 'penguins', 'planets', 'tips', 'titanic']
total speeding alcohol not_distracted no_previous ins_premium ins_losses abbrev
0 18.8 7.332 5.640 18.048 15.040 784.55 145.08 AL
1 18.1 7.421 4.525 16.290 17.014 1053.48 133.93 AK
2 18.6 6.510 5.208 15.624 17.856 899.47 110.35 AZ
3 22.4 4.032 5.824 21.056 21.280 827.34 142.39 AR
4 12.0 4.200 3.360 10.920 10.680 878.41 165.63 CA
In [3]:
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7fa342537850>

Quickly Creating Summary Counts in Pandas

We are studying the species and weight of animals caught in plots in our study area. The dataset is stored as a .csv file: each row holds information for a single animal, and the columns represent:

Column Description
record_id Unique id for the observation
month month of observation
day day of observation
year year of observation
site_id ID of a particular plot
species_id 2-letter code
sex sex of animal ("M", "F")
hindfoot_length length of the hindfoot in mm
weight weight of the animal in grams

Let's next count the number of samples for each species. We can do this in a few ways, but we'll use groupby combined with a count() method.

In [4]:
surveys_df = pd.read_csv("../../csv/surveys.csv")

# Count the number of samples by species
species_counts = surveys_df.groupby('species_id')['record_id'].count()
AB      303
AH      437
AS        2
BA       46
CB       50
CM       13
CQ       16
CS        1
CT        1
CU        1
CV        1
DM    10596
DO     3027
DS     2504
DX       40
NL     1252
OL     1006
OT     2249
OX       12
PB     2891
PC       39
PE     1299
PF     1597
PG        8
PH       32
PI        9
PL       36
PM      899
PP     3123
PU        5
PX        6
RF       75
RM     2609
RO        8
RX        2
SA       75
SC        1
SF       43
SH      147
SO       43
SS      248
ST        1
SU        5
UL        4
UP        8
UR       10
US        4
ZL        2
Name: record_id, dtype: int64

Or, we can also count just the rows that have the species "DO":

In [5]:

Basic Math Functions

If we wanted to, we could perform math on an entire column of our data. For example let's multiply all weight values by 2. A more practical use of this might be to normalize the data according to a mean, area, or some other value calculated from our data.

In [6]:
# Multiply all weight values by 2 but does not change the original weight data
0          NaN
1          NaN
2          NaN
3          NaN
4          NaN
35544      NaN
35545      NaN
35546     28.0
35547    102.0
35548      NaN
Name: weight, Length: 35549, dtype: float64

Quick & Easy Plotting Data Using Pandas

We can plot our summary stats using Pandas, too.

In [7]:
## To make sure figures appear inside Jupyter Notebook
%matplotlib inline

# Create a quick bar chart

Animals per site plot

We can also look at how many animals were captured in each site.

In [8]:
total_count = surveys_df.groupby('site_id')['record_id'].nunique()
# Let's plot that too

Extra Plotting Challenge

  1. Create a plot of average weight across all species per plot.

  2. Create a plot of total males versus total females for the entire dataset.

  3. Create a stacked bar plot, with weight on the Y axis, and the stacked variable being sex. The plot should show total weight by sex for each plot. Some tips are below to help you solve this challenge: For more on Pandas plots, visit this link.

Solution to Extra Plotting Challenge 1

In [9]:
## Solution Plotting Challenge 1

Solution to Extra Plotting Challenge 2

In [10]:
# Solution Plotting Challenge 2
## Create plot of total males versus total females for the entire dataset.


Solution to Extra Plotting Challenge 3

First we group data by site and by sex, and then calculate a total for each site.

In [13]:
by_site_sex = surveys_df.groupby(['site_id','sex'])

site_sex_count = by_site_sex['weight'].sum()
site_id  sex
1        F      38253.0
         M      59979.0
2        F      50144.0
         M      57250.0
3        F      27251.0
Name: weight, dtype: float64

This calculates the sums of weights for each sex within each plot as a table

site  sex
site_id  sex
1        F      38253
         M      59979
2        F      50144
         M      57250
3        F      27251
         M      28253
4        F      39796
         M      49377
<other sites removed for brevity>

Below we'll use .unstack() on our grouped data to figure out the total weight that each sex contributed to each plot.

In [14]:
by_site_sex = surveys_df.groupby(['site_id','sex'])
site_sex_count = by_site_sex['weight'].sum()
sex F M
1 38253.0 59979.0
2 50144.0 57250.0
3 27251.0 28253.0
4 39796.0 49377.0
5 21143.0 23326.0
6 26210.0 27245.0
7 6522.0 6422.0
8 37274.0 47755.0
9 44128.0 48727.0
10 2359.0 2776.0
11 34638.0 43106.0
12 51825.0 57420.0
13 24720.0 30354.0
14 32770.0 46469.0
15 12455.0 11037.0
16 5446.0 6310.0
17 42106.0 48082.0
18 27353.0 26433.0
19 11297.0 11514.0
20 33206.0 25988.0
21 15481.0 9815.0
22 34656.0 35363.0
23 3352.0 3883.0
24 22951.0 18835.0

Now, create a stacked bar plot with that data where the weights for each sex are stacked by plot.

Rather than display it as a table, we can plot the above data by stacking the values of each sex as follows:

In [15]:
by_site_sex = surveys_df.groupby(['site_id', 'sex'])
site_sex_count = by_site_sex['weight'].sum()
spc = site_sex_count.unstack()
s_plot = spc.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, title="Total weight by site and sex")
Text(0.5, 0, 'Site')
In [ ]: