Chapter 1 Workshop 211021

1.1 workshop material

1.2 install libs


1.3 test rmarkdown

  • we are going to use rmarkdown to render a single Rmd document, setwd() to sfac-r-main/web/bkd/workshop
rmarkdown::render('document1.Rmd', output_format='all', output_dir='./')
#rmarkdown::render('document2.Rmd', output_format='all', output_dir='./')
  • the output formats are specified in the yaml header of the Rmd file, you can preview the result by opening the output file
  • when using docx output, we can use a reference document that will determine the styling of the output (could be useful for journal article templates ?)

1.4 test bookdown

  • bookdown is build on top of rmarkdown, and its primary function is to handle multiple Rmd files and render them as a coherent output document
  • now we are going to try to render a collection of Rmd files as a book, the original bookdown demo can be found on github, but you can also change directory to sfac-r-main/web/bkd
bookdown::render_book('index.Rmd', output_dir='./')
  • the output formats are specified in the yaml header of the index.Rmd file, you can preview the result of any changes by opening the index.html file

1.5 publish book

  • if we have a git client and a github account, the book could now be published to github
  • however, we can also choose to publish to the web service by creating a freemium account there
# rstudio connect package
#rsconnect::connectUser(account="nils.holmberg", server="")
  • the following commands can also be accessed more easily through the rstudio gui
  • connect your r client to, rstudio connect while being logged in with web browser
  • when publishing the bookdown file bundle, we need to stand in the correct working directory
bookdown::publish_book(render="local", account="nils.holmberg", server="", name="sfac-r-bookdown")

1.6 collaborate

  • seems to only be available for shinyapps at this point, however web interface to rsconnect might have these functions available..
rsconnect::showUsers(account="nils-holmberg", server="")

1.7 troubleshoot

  • instead of using the publish_book() function provided by the bookdown package, we can also try to deploy site using the rsconnect package to publish rendered Rmd output files
#rsconnect::forgetDeployment(dryRun = TRUE)
#rsconnect::deploySite(account="nils.holmberg", siteName="sfac-r-bookdown", server="")

1.8 deploy to github